Monday, August 4, 2008

john's encounter with her cousin jennifer


well..this is my first please comment on it...its story...or way of writing..i will be very thankful to u..!!

this blog is about john-the hero of my story..and is encounter with her cousin who is 4 years younger to him... we go...!!!!! is a holiday....well...everyday is holiday...because holidays are going on...!! ....i know its a PJ...!!
so samuels arrives...and asks john to hang up to mcdonalds...!!!
by sensing the thrill and excitement in his request...he agrees...he speedly dressed up..even forgetting that the socks he was wearing were both of different colour..!!

so they 110km/hr at yamaha ...well..not difficult to their mcdee was on highway..!!
so ..within 5 minutes...they zeroed in..!!
well... the place was a food court actually...and it occasionally received high class visitors..from the highway..!!

so...after a very long time...john was on a usual visitor will go to any food order its food...they straightaway went to washroom..!!!

""DAMN HELL...!!!....THIS BATHROOM IS EVEN BIGGER THAN MY DRAWINGROOM..!!..""-john said loudly in a very surprised voice which automatically received attention from other guys...some were busy pissing..and were displaced a listening to john's thunder..!!

WELL..not wasting any more time...they went to dominos pizza outlet...…so….they order the farmhouse regular pizza from dominos…
he and his friend samuels....were just busy searching for any hot chick around …Looking here nd there..a favourite pastime of every other guy..

Just he saw..a boy nd a girl …small ones…just hanging out…by watching them…he was a bit happy…
so what he sees..that he has seen the girl before somewhere....but where...he scratches his head..but all efforts in vein..
"hmmm..small one.....where where where...???"
…he lets himself to have a closer look..he shifts himself more closer to her by changing his seat to two tables away from her…Now….let him see carefully…..

""hey ….stop…is she ….is she jennifer..??Nooooooooo…jennifer cant be like that….she is very simple minded..but let me see again….O MY GOD….WHAT THE HELL…THIS IS JENNIFER ….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""

A laughter burst out in him….but he was only smiling….just wondering ..that it is his own cousin jennifer….for two minutes ..he kept to himself..just wondering..jesus..…its just like a movie scene…..a girl on date…and his brother lands there unexpected….

So now…over to jennifer and her boyfriend....
they both were talking,laughing,,enjoying…
john was also a bit happy….by looking at two stupid cute people out there…just forgetting that the girl out there is none other than her cousin ...

Now…the worst which was going to happen for jennifer..…HAPPENED..!!!!
Just she raised her head….and looked around…her eyes had just passed john's face…casually….and then that normal eyes…which were outsourcing the happiness in her….immediately became wide and frightened…and she looked back at him…

now ..john smiled a bit more….Aahaa… must have seen her face….as if now she was going to die…

Her mouth wide open….she looked at him for two seconds..and immediately put her face down….guys..the happiness john was feeling inside him..that someone is so much frightened by him…..

She was having the feelings that she is the scape goat and he is the butcher…

Then….she had a bit chat with the boy so called boyfriend in whispers….and next moment..the cheerful face of that stupid guy…looked at john in fear…then john gave him a bit authorative look…She immediately got up from her seat…and they both went away….

While..she was leaving….john called out her name….but …she didn't wanted to listen anything…just moved out…that guy..looked at john..and john gestured him to call her…but..they moved out of mcdonalds in hurry…

john could see her from window now…running like anything…and her hands on her face…anyone there can guess….that she was crying….well…that was expected…
Now…john was sitting in my chair...feelings of a king were overflowing him...wondering that what had happened…then his eyes were startled to see that what is at the door…

"DAMN HELL…..GOD….THESE GUYS HAVE GOT GUTS..!!!"-john said surprisingly to samuels...

They both returned to john's table and jennifer sat next to john and her boyfriend opposite to john's face…
jennifer…just wiping off her face…giving john a very innocent look….
Well….just sensing the situation ….john had already decided..that he will act mature…and not a typical brother…and neither he wanted to create a scene at such a public place…

So she was just about to say..john raised his hand and said…
"cool down ….relax….there is no need to worry…""
jennifer was really amazed by the reaction of her cousin..!!

he was still smiling at the condition of the girl…he could sense her deep fear breathing…he could make out..that what she would be thinking…Meanwhile…the pizza too arrived…

So now….john's interview starts…turning his face to jennifer…
"C'mon..take a peice of pizza each...""
"no..thanks john"—she said in a low tone
"pickup...or i will call your parents right now..!!"-just adding a humor in his voice

immediately she picked one as a 1 gb ram computer respond to a computer command..
boy picked in succession …then john…and then his friend…
" ur first date..??""- john asked in a strong baritone...
"y..y...yesss...john"-still her voice was low

"christ..first date..and such is the sorry state...caught red - handed"- he said with a small grin on his face..

now this time…jennifer relaxed a bit…and gave him little push by her his dark black authorative eyes fixed upon the boy.

"u in same class??"
"no..i live nearby her home.."-boy replied with less fear as compared to jennifer..
"your name??""
"ur profession??"
"persuing +2 commerce privately ..."

the moment he speaked that..john was feeling like kicking his ass hard as possible..stupid guy..with his intelligent sis…

john just thinking..."I don't know what made jennifer choose this guy…atleast if he had spoken non –med. I would be satisfied…"-

"are u taking his interview??"-samuels interrupted with a bit of laugh...
"sir..she only called me today to take her for outing as she said that nobody was at her home"- boy said defensively....

so now to jennifer..
"u didn't went to school today.??"
"john,nowadays nobody is regular to school..."-immediate answer from her as she has to say something to save her skin..
"U..BUNKED SCHOOL..??"-a bit of anger in his voice
she repeated the same excuse..
then making her understand..
"look jennifer…u come outside,u enjoy here and there…no problem..…but jennifer..u must know your limits..u should not compromise studies with these things...i know..its your teenage now..students usually fall prey to these things..but the bottom line is..these things should not mess up wid your it..??"

john reacted very coolly….now she was also comfortable…And he made her understand a bit more of lines..and then interrogated her about her results in 1st unit test…

And finally…the pizza finished….Turning to samuels..
"shall we move..?"
now u two..
" we are leaving...u can sit here for a while...but dont spend too much time here.."

now..he could see the same happiness returned to jennifer's eyes which were lost for 20 minutes…just waived his hand to her...

"bye"....and he came out…just imagining that what incident he encountered today..!!!


Unknown said...

ok gud one but luks like dat u r plyng da character of john n me as samuels

Unknown said...

very gud .i like ur creativity

Homer said...

dude.. nice post..
full of imagination and creativity..
but formatting thodhi theek kar..

Welcome! said...

u are very expressive....gud words are used....although the story is simple, but has been put up nicely.

Himanshu said...


bhaii..yahin toh iss story kee khasiyat yeh real lagtee he..


thanku for ur motivation..
nw..iam up to my novel..

thanx for that..

formatting tu hee karde naa..


thanx dude...
well..ta make a story good..bottom line is u express the expressions of people in story..
well..i tried it best..

Homer said...

Thanks for taking my suggesstion and formatting your blog..

JOYHBK said...

cool bro

Unknown said...

mast yaar
tu to Shakesspear hai

Homer said...

when will we get to hear another post from you.. your fans are eager for your next post..

jjjj said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

gud use of words n xprssions....u added 2 ur story...overall commendable job...
keep it up !!